Our topical segment videos (1-10 minutes) explain or demonstrate a specific concept, event, topic, or process.
# of Current Videos: 130
110 are 1 to 10 minutes; 18 are less than 1 minute and 2 videos range from 10 to 14 minutes
Humanities and Social Studies Samples
When Did That Happen? Time
Learn about important events and people in the history of time.
Making the Apples
Travel back in time to an 1820’s American frontier kitchen and see the process for baking apples.
Where is That? Weather
Take a trip around the world to interesting locations related to weather events and weather history.
Social Media: How to Spot Fake News
Most of us may understand how to navigate the internet but discerning what is real news and what is fake can be daunting. With so many stories coming at us fast and furious through social media, how can students spot what is a reliable source and what is questionable? We offer questions to consider to help students spot any red flags.
STEAM and STEM Samples
Tools Used to Forecast the Weather
National Weather Service meteorologist Wes Browning explains tools used in developing his weather forecasts.
How Does That Work? Calculating the Circumference of the World
Learn how Eratosthenes, way back in ancient times, successfully calculated an accurate measurement of Earth’s circumference.
The Science Behind Nutrition
Learn about the science applied to nutrition for athletes.
Reading a Dog’s X Ray
Veterinarian Ed Migneco shows how to read a dog’s X ray.
How Does That Work? Traffic Control System
Learn how a city’s traffic control systems work to keep traffic flowing.
Arts and Arts Integration Samples
Being a Costume Designer
Costume designer Stacy Harris describes her career.
Building Blocks of Jazz: Chords
Music is based on harmony, and harmony is based on chords and scales; so for jazz pianists it is fundamental to understand how chords work. In this edition of Building Blocks of Jazz, host Phil Dunlap breaks down chords for us and explains how chords and scales are related.
Hear the Story of Frederick Bailey, a Buffalo Soldier, Portrayed by Historical Re-enactor Edwin Bailey
Hear the story of one buffalo soldier, as told by an historic re-enactor.