In our Q & A videos (1-5 minutes), experts answer direct and specific questions.
# of Current Videos: 310
298 are less than 5 minutes; 12 videos range from 5 to 15 minutes
Humanities and Social Studies Samples
Lois Lowry: Why Does Jonas Risk Ruining His Escape by Rescuing Gabriel?
Author Lois Lowry answers a question about a character and his choices in “The Giver.”
What Is the Process You Use to Source Your Stories?
Veteran television journalist Betsey Bruce and newspaper features writer Valerie Schremp Hahn answer the student question
What Do You Like About Writing Short Stories?
Author Ron Nilsen describes what he likes about writing short stories as opposed to longer novels or other forms of writing. He provides examples of challenges and opportunities that he sees in the short story form.
How Does the Story of Harriet Tubman Inspire You?
Actress and author Glynis Brooks explains how the life of Harriet Tubman inspired her to write a play about her life and continues to inspire her today.
What Was Your Mindset Going into Your First Combat Mission?
A Vietnam veterans relates what his mindset was like on his first combat mission.
Does the Free Speech Right Include a Right to Not Hear Certain Speech?
Hon. Nannette Baker, Chief Magistrate Judge of the Eastern District Court of Missouri, answers the question.
Could Lincoln Have Gotten the 13th Amendment Passed Without Political Deal Making?
A Lincoln historian offers insight into whether Lincoln could have gotten the 13th Amendment passed without political deal making.
Did Slaves Face Retaliation When They Filed a Freedom Suit?
Freedom suit experts Dr. Kelly Kennington and Dr. David Konig answer the student question.
Asked and Answered: Elections and Voting
Hear experts answer student questions on elections and voting.
What are the Unique Challenges of Being a Woman Working to Empower Women in Third World Countries?
Theresa Carrington, Chief Executive Officer of Ten by Three, discusses the unique challenges of being a woman working with third world women in an often male-dominated society.
How Does Law Enforcement Balance the Rights of All Against the Rights of Those Marching as Part of Their Right to Assembly?
Lt. Jerry Lohr, Saint Louis County Police Department, answers the question.
How Do Promotions Work in the Army?
A military veteran explains how promotions are earned.
STEAM and STEM Samples
How Do You Interpret the Radar to Find a Tornado?
View this video to see how a National Weather Service meteorologist interprets radar data to locate a tornado.
Why Does a Tornado Get Smaller as it Goes Down?
National Weather Service meteorologist Wes Browning explains why tornadoes have their funnel shape
How Are Fossils Formed?
View this video and learn the answer to the question.
How Do You Successfully Dig Out a Fossil?
View this video to see the process for successfully extracting a fossil from its embedded location.
Does the Process or Tools Used for a Dig Change Depending on Where the Dig is Located?
An archaeologist explains how location of an archeological dig might affect tools and processes used during the dig.
Why Do Airplanes Have Lights?
This video explains why airplanes have lights and what purpose they serve.
How Long Does the Design/Planning Part of a Roller Coaster Take on Average and What Does the Process Look Like?
Jeff Havlik, a roller coaster architect, answers the question.
Do All Mosquitos Spread Diseases to Humans?
Jean Ponzi, Green Resources Manager at the EarthWays Center of the Missouri Botanical Garden, answers the question.
What Are the Best Worms to Use in My Vermicomposting Bin?
Maggie McCoy, Education and Volunteer Coordinator at the EarthWays Center of the Missouri Botanical Garden, answers the student question.
Do Earthquakes Deeper in the Earth Cause More Damage?
Dr. Robert B. Hermann of the Saint Louis University Earthquake Center answers the student question.
Arts and Arts Integration Samples
What does an artistic director of a theatre company do?
Julia Flood, Artistic Director of Metro Theater Company, answers this student question.
What Does a Stage Manager Do?
A stage manager describes her job.
How Do You Memorize All Your Dance Routines?
Dancer Arianna Russ answers this student question.
How Does the Subject Matter of Your Video Affect the Style and Technical Choices You Make in Creating the Video?
Video artist and instructor Mike Pagano describes his process for determining the style or creative approach he uses when creating a particular video.
What is Contemporary Art?
A curator describes what is meant by “contemporary art.”
What Does the Art Work Say to You? A Watercolor by Artist Lonnie Powell
Artist Lonnie Powell and students discuss one of his watercolor paintings. Have students view the painting and discuss what they notice about it, what they like and dislike, it’s use of color, etc., and then view the rest of the video to compare their ideas to what the artist and students share in the video.
In “The Girl Who Swallowed a Cactus” Did the Play Change Any as You Began to Work on it with the Actor?
Playwright Eric Coble and director Julia Flood describe examples of how the script and staging of “The Girl Who Swallowed a Cactus” changed in some ways as it moved from the page to the rehearsal process.
Theatre PR Networking
There’s no marketing without communication. The Muny’s Public Relations Manager Dylan Stanley explores the many ways communicating and networking can benefit a PR person and their theatre.
Harriet Tubman Answers Student Questions: A First Person Performance
Glynis Brooks, in the persona of Harriet Tubman, answers student questions about the life of this American hero. Questions include: