Sister Mary Antona Ebo shares what it was like to not be able to eat at a local restaurant due to the color of her skin.
Teacher Resources for the Video:
Discussion Questions:
- Have learners view this segment and place themselves in Sister Mary Antona Ebo’s situation and talk about how they would feel and react. Do the students feel the country has successfully eliminated the application of Jim Crow laws? How is the incident Sister Ebo describes similar to, and different from, lunch counter protests that were an integral part of the Civil Rights movement in the south?
Activity Ideas:
- Have students role play the event taking on the role of each person involved in the story–the Woolworth employee, the friend, and Sister Ebo. What is their reaction to being each of the different people? What do they find challenging, uncomfortable, comfortable?
Unique ID for the Video: I Remember-30
- Use the unique ID as a shortcut for students to find this specific video. Click on Search and choose “By Video ID.” Type in the Video ID as it appears above.
Send Us Your I Remember Videos:
- Get students thinking like an historian and use the video as a template for creating their own “I Remember” videos. If interested, consider submitting a few of those videos for possible publication on the website. Email us at and put “I Remember Video Submission” in the title line.